
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Where'd the Newborn go?

Wesley (2 months) meets his friend, Cohen (2 weeks)
I woke up this morning and began editing my friend's newborn photos, all the while holding my little baby boy in my arms. My little boy was smiling at me, holding his head up (almost) all by himself. But it was just then, with pictures of a 7 pound baby up on the computer screen and a baby twice that size in my arms, that I realized that my little baby is no longer so little: Where'd my newborn go?

It's only been two months--10 weeks--since Wesley was born, and yet the time has just flown! He has gained 4 pounds since birth and has grown 3 inches. He is smiling spontaneously and even in reaction to silly faces, songs, and smiles from others around him.

So, I only thought it right to update everyone on this little BIG boy's development lately.

1.  Sleep, Sleep, and MORE SLEEP!

Most of the time, Wesley sleeps. I guess he's going through lots of growth spurts. :) He can sleep anywhere: on the floor, on the couch, in a swaddle, and my maternity pillow. He also loves cuddling up to daddy and momma, sleeping on our chests. The funny thing--he's still not sleeping more than about 3 hours at night time. **Bummer** I guess he just likes to nap. 

2. Lots of FUN meeting new people! 

Wesley got to meet my grandparents, if not for just a few minutes, when they were passing through San Jose via train. He's also met and spent time with two sets of grandparents, an aunt, a cousin, and LOTS of ward members and Google employees. 

3. Enjoys time with Daddy!

Wesley LOVES his time with Daddy! Daddy is so good at giving his attention to Wesley; he plays piano with him, reads to him, takes him on walks, and "chills" with him, too. 

4. Smiles! 

Wesley melts my heart whenever he smiles. Sometimes, I'll be working on the computer or doing dishes and then I'll glance over at Wesley and he's smiling as wide as the Grand Canyon--he must know that I love his smiles! :)

5. Observant Eyes

Wesley can track objects as they move, and he will look directly at people when they are talking to him. Right here, he was starting SO intently at his fish mobile while he was swinging. 

I'm loving every moment of being a mother, especially as I get to watch my little one turn into a big boy! We have lots to look forward to as he begins to roll over, crawl, walk, and run!

Thanks for reading!

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